The Cohort Initiative

Offering spiritual renewal & support for valued lay leaders

In a time of church decline, lay people carry an ever increasing responsibility of leadership without the same level of spiritual and relational support that our clergy receive. Here in the dioceses of Vermont and Massachusetts, we believe that hope-filled, vision-grounded and courageous leadership come from ongoing renewal of the inner life through the Holy Spirit and spiritual practices in the path of Jesus. 

Communities for Spiritual Vitality offers spiritual renewal and fellowship through in person retreats, regular online discipleship groups, practice in discernment, and FUN, for lay leaders from parishes with limited clergy leadership.

The Communities for Spiritual Vitality will support lay ministry in building strong spiritual practice, joyful and accountable communion with others and a Christ-centered sense of purpose and mission and aim to create a network that will reanimate parish leaders as they continue their practices and connections and share these practices with whom they serve.

Communities for Spiritual Vitality offers three primary components for lay leaders:


3 in-person gatherings per year, providing nourishment, deeper practice, and sacramental connection. 

formation groups

Clergy-led formation groups held via Zoom engaging participants in covenanted communities of practice and conversation. 

Coaching &
Spiritual Direction

To help participants root the learned practices more deeply into a plausible rule of life and consider how practices may be integrated into congregational life.

Explore a Cohort

Ready to dive deeper into your spiritual journey? Sign up now to join a supportive community of lay leaders on a path of renewal and growth.

We are offering annual cohorts of 20-30 lay leaders face to face and online inspiration, tools and resources to give them the courage and confidence to express themselves and find their own pathway as spiritual leaders.