Our Mission, Aims & Values

Our Mission · Our Aims · Our Guiding Beliefs

Our Mission

Communities for Spiritual Vitality supports cohorts of lay leaders through offering spiritual formation, a safe space for mutually vulnerable fellowship, and regular contact with pastoral companionship.  Through these three tiers, leaders are strengthened in the Holy Spirit to bring spiritual renewal and living hope (1 Peter 1:3) more fully into the mission and practice of their local worship contexts.

Our Aims

Here at Communities for Spiritual Vitality, we aim to:

  • Help support and pave the way towards spiritual renewal for lay leaders and help integrate new approaches into diocesan systems

  • Help renew participants’ spiritual vitality and commitment

  • Cultivate lay leader networks to provide ongoing mutual nourishment

  • Curate and offer spiritual and liturgical resources for parish use reflecting the breadth of the Anglican tradition and regional creativity

  • Provide training for lay leaders in using and replicating such resources within their localities

  • Help drive a shift in focus from technical fixes toward a Spirit-led discernment of mission and purpose

Our Guiding Beliefs

The Communities for Spiritual Vitality is grounded in these five key principles:

  1. God desires to nourish and connect those who serve

  2. Leaders who are nourished and connected are more effective missional leaders

  3. Cultivating hope, acknowledging grief and seeking God in all circumstances enables us to live more authentically joyful lives as the Body of Christ

  4. God’s shalom (peace and wholeness) flows into our lives and communities as we give ourselves to recreation, to one another, and to disciplined spiritual practice.

  5. It starts with you!