
Communities for
Spiritual Vitality

Nourishing the Spiritual Lives and Connections Between Lay Leaders and Their Parishes

Whether you are a vestry member, mission leader,
church volunteer or ardent pray-er,
you are a gift to all of us!

But, in the midst of your service, do you sometimes:

  • Long for a clearer connection between your spiritual life and your church ‘work’?

  • Pray for more guidance and support for your parish leadership?

  • Wonder what God’s next invitation is for you or for your community?

  • Sense that the Body is stronger when its members are knit together more closely, and wish that you could connect with peers who experience the same struggles as you?

  • Identify with Elijah, whom God knew needed more sustenance or the journey would be too hard for him, and wish for more pastoral care and renewal for yourself?

  • Feel discouraged or fearful about the decline of your parish or ‘the Church’ as a whole?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Communities for Spiritual Vitality is for you. We invite you to explore our website and consider enrolling in a cohort. If you have questions about the initiative, please contact us.

Communities for Spiritual Vitality is an initiative of the Episcopal Dioceses of Vermont and Massachusetts devoted to nourishing the spiritual lives of the laity and grounding their ministry in the biblical and theological foundations of abundant life and hope that were core to the first followers of Jesus.

Join a community of hope-filled,
committed lay leaders

Vermont and Massachusetts lay leaders in parishes with part-time, shared, or no priestly leadership are invited to enroll in a 2-year program designed to foster spiritual renewal and lasting connections among lay people involved in parish ministry.

As a cohort participant, you will build strong spiritual practice and a Christ-centered sense of purpose and mission through in-person retreats, online clergy-led covenant groups, personal coaching and spiritual direction. You will gain confidence to bring spiritual renewal and living hope into the mission and practice of their local churches. You will also gain a network of connection with others who have similar experiences of the joys and challenges of serving the contemporary church. You will be established in the truth that God and others are always with you as you live and serve.

This initiative is offered at no cost, thanks to a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment.

Nourish your spirit with liturgical, devotional and spiritual resources

Communities for Spiritual Vitality provides a rich collection of tools, seasonal zoom gatherings, and resources that anyone can use in their own spiritual lives and in service to their church communities. These free resources are available for all who seek to grow in the abundance and strength of Christ - you do not need to be enrolled in a Communities cohort to use them. Resources include Liturgies; devotionals; a calendar of regional formation offerings; a spirituality blog.

Communities participants access your cohort mini-site here